Free Yourself from #MomGuilt
As a SuperMom you want to be the best mom your children deserve. But life has thrown you a few curveballs. You're struggling with achieving work/life balance, sorting through confusing and conflicting information and the ever present feeling that you're just making it up as you go along. Where does this land? In your neck and shoulders. It comes out as headaches or chronic migraines. You've gotten massages. Gone to the chiropractor. You exercise, You stretch. You feel better but before you know it you're shoulder is creeping up around your ears again. Why? Because you are literally carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. It's tough being a mom. Even though we like to say we don't care, we still secretly judge ourselves by what we see online. You're not a pinterest mom and although you like to brag that you aren't, secretly it makes you feel guilty.
I totally get it. Why? Because I am that mom and I've spent years trying to get rid of my chronic migraines, my chronic neck and shoulder tension that's so bad I sometimes can't sleep. I've also had almost 20 years of experience working with mothers. As a massage therapist and doula, I've sat next to a mom's hospital bed as she makes the decision to have an epidural when she really wanted a natural childbirth but the induction has gone on so long. I've handed a mom tissues and held her hand as she cries at 2am because she's struggling with breastfeeding. I've helped mom's tune into their body, and feel secure and confident in their choice to have a planned cesarean because their intuition is telling them that's what's best for them and their baby.
So many of these parenting decisions have the power to transform they way we view ourselves as mothers. What does a "good" mother choose vs. a "bad" mother". I've seen how the stress of trying to live up to this ideal lands squarely on your shoulders. You are quite literally carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.
Join hands with me and let's work through what's keeping you from getting lasting relief from stress and tension. Allow me to help you quiet the noise in your mind and tune into what your heart and gut want you to hear. There is where you will find your truth so you too can be free of #momguilt
I totally get it. Why? Because I am that mom and I've spent years trying to get rid of my chronic migraines, my chronic neck and shoulder tension that's so bad I sometimes can't sleep. I've also had almost 20 years of experience working with mothers. As a massage therapist and doula, I've sat next to a mom's hospital bed as she makes the decision to have an epidural when she really wanted a natural childbirth but the induction has gone on so long. I've handed a mom tissues and held her hand as she cries at 2am because she's struggling with breastfeeding. I've helped mom's tune into their body, and feel secure and confident in their choice to have a planned cesarean because their intuition is telling them that's what's best for them and their baby.
So many of these parenting decisions have the power to transform they way we view ourselves as mothers. What does a "good" mother choose vs. a "bad" mother". I've seen how the stress of trying to live up to this ideal lands squarely on your shoulders. You are quite literally carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.
Join hands with me and let's work through what's keeping you from getting lasting relief from stress and tension. Allow me to help you quiet the noise in your mind and tune into what your heart and gut want you to hear. There is where you will find your truth so you too can be free of #momguilt