I bet this one is going to come as quite a surprise and I’m sure that (at first glance) it’s going to feel counter intuitive.
Be “Unproductive”! Now hear me out on this one. Have you ever been in the situation where you “need to get something done? You have a laundry list of tasks or something with a time sensitive deadline? Sometimes you feel inspired and energized to dive right into the work and sometimes it feels like slogging through mud. Am I right? I used to feel this way All The Time! Especially if it was a task that I wasn’t especially “inspired” by. For me most of these task required me to sit in front of a computer (not my strong suit). I love my work and I love my business but……there are definitely things I need to do that I don’t always love to do. Sometimes it can actually be a task I might otherwise love doing but today I’m just not feeling it. I love talking and I love writing. I love talking about how great massage is and how much I love it. I love sharing that love and passion with other people……until I’m put on a deadline. In this moment, the task goes from an “I get to do…..” to an “I have to do…..” and the creative juices just come to a screeching halt. I have literally sat at my computer trying to force myself to write something and it winds up being garbage. Have you ever felt this way? A few years ago, I began studying something called Human Design. Human Design helps you understand how you’re wired.It helped me understand how I respond to things and how I make decisions. So much of what I thought was “broken” in me, was not actually needing to be “fixed”. Turns out it was actually my strength and I just needed to better understand how to use it to it’s fullest potential. And boy, once I did things exploded in my life in a very positive way but more on that later. I’ve learned that I have almost limitless energy for a task IF I am inspired by it, if I feel passion or excitement for it. If I don’t, my internal generator that creates that electric spark doesn’t turn on. I am quite literally without power. I’ve learned that if I get out of my head and ground down into my body and quite literally do something physical, suddenly there’s clarity or inspiration or the block is removed. Suddenly whatever I need is so clear and the energy and focus is there for the task. This grounded space can literally be anything. I listen to my body to tell me what it needs. Sometimes I go outside and absorb some fresh air and sunlight. Sometimes I lay down for 15 or 20 minutes and just close my eyes. Sometimes I play with my dogs or take a walk. Sometimes I fold laundry. Anyone else find folding laundry very meditative? Sometimes I just need a minute or two. Other times I need an hour. I’ve learned through practice to understand what my body is telling me. When I learned to pay attention to what my body was telling me it needed (instead of letting my mind override it), I suddenly became more productive. I was actually accomplishing more in less time. Because I was taking the time to honor what my body needed, when I did sit down to work, I was able to bang out in 10 minutes or half an hour what would have taken me 2 hours before. Much of that 2 hours would have been spent staring at the computer or starting and restarting the task 5 times. Being “unproductive” helped me increase my productivity! Would you like to learn how understanding your Human Design can help you get more done in less time? Click below to set up a free no obligation consultation. In this consult, we will
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